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Wallpaper - Brocade Lace

Dainty as lace yet hearty enough to be brocade, the design reminded me of Brocade Lace and thus it was named. This design needs color behind it to do its magic, too little and it becomes starved for color, too much and it simply goes to sleep. Slideshow -- Brocade Lace - Cool
8 background color combinations, Rose has 9,  for each of 7 differently colored laces (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, and Rose). With 57 different color combinations I'm sure you will find at least one Brocade Lace Image that catches your eye! Cropped for beautiful seamless tiling in the most flattering size for this design.

In the slideshow  FreeCDL Wallpaper -- Brocade Lace - Cool  I gathered together 15 of 24 images that were in the Brocade Lace Blue, Green, and Purple albums.
Notice how the background color literally transforms the image, in some instances the background appears to be in the foreground.

Slideshow -- Brocade Lace - Warm

In the slideshow  FreeCDL Wallpaper -- Brocade Lace - Warm  I gathered 25 of the
33 images that were in the Brocade Lace Orange, Pink, Red, and Rose albums.

Click here to go to Brocade Lace.

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