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Band Cochon

I don't like to brag much and prefer to remain a bit humble usually although I may be beaming on the inside.  Nothing has made me prouder in my artwork then the fact that I created a simple little piggy illustration and posted it to the public domain October 31, 2010. The purpose of this was an illustration for a joke posted online 19 January 2011 in the MaxxCandy Forum. I could not find a public domain image to use for the purpose so I created my own in a matter of minutes, vectorized and donated it so that others would be able to use it as well. I like to do these things as I believe in some small way they do help to improve the internet as a whole. I am not alone so if we are all wrong in donating our art for public use forever free of charge someone will have to stop us before we ruin it for everyone!

I never expected anything to come from my effort. I never expected to hear that anyone had found a use for one of my simple little 2 minute doodles. I certainly never expected for such a person to actually email me and thank me for my effort, and inform me of having put the illustration to such good use. This was the case though. Piggie was born on 31 October 2010, 02:33:01 AM (CST), and made his debut online 19 January 2011, 06:31 PM (CST),  in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Piggie grew up, as children often do, all too quickly and went off on his own quest to save the world! He found a loving friend on the small French speaking island of Reunion and decided to stay and help in their efforts to stop illegal dumping that has all but ruined the lovely and once pristine home of man and animal.

Neither Piggie nor myself, his surrogate mother, would have dreamed that he would somehow be destined to lead this fight or to have such a noble and worthwhile cause to spearhead. I truly feel as though I have sent forth my piglet son into the world to find his merit and he has made me as proud as a mother could ever be. As mothers do, I see no difference between my piglet son and a human one. I love him just the same and am proud of all of his accomplishments. Yes he has changed over the years, he speaks French now, he has many new friends all over the world,  he seldom writes home, and he changed his name! I love him all the same and will always have a warm spot in my heart for him, Piggie is a good son. When he moved to Reunion he immediately submerged himself in the local concerns of the day and with his new cause he took a new name for himself, Band Cochon. Band Cochon is actually a group of very concerned local citizens of Reunion Island and the Piggie illustration has become their mascot. They gave him expressions, a bit of a tan, even a few new costumes and a very loving home!

BandCochon is in very good company with a very important job, but he would like to retire soon! He needs your help to do this. He needs you to tell people about the plight of Reunion Island, write officials, help the citizens of Reunion to clean up the mess left by those without a heart or a thought for the future. BandCochon longs for a day when he no longer will have to shed a tear for the awful dumping sites all over the island that he loves so dearly. Please help him spread the word and tell the world until this tragedy ends and a new day dawns on Reunion. Join BandCochon on Facebook • https://www.facebook.com/BandCochon, visit his website • http://www.bandcochon.re/, and tell your friends! Please help us to help them, and may the blessings of this holiday season be upon you and yours always!

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