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★ Wallpaper - Buddha Head

Buddha Head Small Preview 50%

Click the image see the slideshow.

Buddha in all his glory lovingly presented in 15 different colors and several backgrounds, and there are even coordinating icons available at Real World Graphics! This is a new concept for me, offering coordinating sets of both wallpapers and icons. I am pleased to announce that it worked out quite well! So well in fact that I have already started expanding the set, so more are coming.

As with all FreeCDL Graphics they are free to use for personal and non-profit endeavors and may be licensed for commercial use starting at just $3.00 USD.  Drop me an email at cyberdreamlady@gmail.com or use the contact form found in the cdl website. State your intended use and duration desired, the image you desire a license for, and the website or eCommerce store url you intend to use the image on. In some cases I may reduce the fee or provide a free license so make sure to tell me your intended use and duration.

Come and get some FreeCDL Buddha graphics and icons!

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